Monday, November 30, 2009

Curious: The Drudge Report's Fascination with Tiger Woods

It must be a slow news weekend.  Events following the lover's quarrel between Mr. and Mrs. Woods have been headline news on the Drudge Report for days.  What's that about?  Give the guy a break already.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Week in Review

Still on my hiking kick since California earlier this month, I got the bloghusband out to Pyramid Mountain in Morris County, NJ. We forged an adventurous hike on the vineyard, too. According to my calculations, 90 minutes of walking on uneven terrain burns 775 calories. In between our hikes this week, we had some wonderful family fun.  Pictured below:  Hens on the vineyard hike, curious Billy, The water's edge, Braden's tattoo, Sweet Alexis, Close up creativity, Nanny's decorations, Pyramid Mountain hike.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookies with Oatmeal, Coconut, Raisins and Walnuts

After eating an entire day's worth of calories in one meal on Thursday, we headed to the Vineyard for some R&R and detox. Coco, eager to see the teen blogson, was at our door moments after our arrival on island. She had a giant bag of warm cookies in her extended hand. Being ever so polite, I opened the cookies, passed them around, and took one for myself. OMG!!! This combination of flavors was unexpected and delicious. So much for the detox part of the weekend. Now, I'm left wondering, with the great name Coco Brown, what inspired her to put coconut in the cookies?

The Beauty of Procrastination

Procrastination can be the bane of existence or it can be the gentle reminder of generosity and gratitude in life. Each day I put off writing that thank you note, I am reminded of the gift, and the friendly acts of kindness, which enrich my well-being. Amy Vanderbilt would disagree, however.

Live in the Present this Holiday Season

Now that we are fully immersed in the holiday season, here's my friendly and annual reminder to readers to be ever mindful of living in the present, especially during the next month.  The proliferation of stress management advice available at this time of year is indicative of the throngs of people who are living in the past.  Strictly speaking demographics, over half the people you come in contact with are reeling from the long-term neurosis resulting from divorce, not to mention other trauma and disease.  Hopefully, you will make an extra effort to surround yourself with the people who treasure you and your contribution to their life.  For those other, unavoidable moments of togetherness with people who just can't express a genuine word of kindness, gratitude or appreciation, and have difficulty extending a sincere compliment in your direction, keep vibrations positive.  You could be the change and eventual strength these people need to rise above their own deficiencies and inability to conquer peace and joy in their life.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Love It or Hate It?

Winter wedding dresses are so awesome, but I'm not so sure about this Atelier Aimee number.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Variety is Key to Successful Dieting

One cup of instant Miso (low sodium) soup with 1/3 cup dulse (seaweed) is loaded with benefits. If you're feeling adventurous, just add 1 ounce of cubed tofu and see what happens to your protein:

It's hard to get nearly 3 grams of fiber in under 100 calories. That's a good full feeling! Lots of vitamins, too. Yep, branching out of the comfort food zone is the key! It's no wonder Whole Foods has a huge selection of instant miso soups, seaweed vegetables, and tofu.

Take a Snapshot Each Month

Day-to-day and week-to-week snapshots are rather frustrating views of weight loss effort and progress.  The scale fluctuates so much daily.  Monthly, however is a much more rewarding picture of measurement and lifestyle realities.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Air-Dried Chicken and Other Highlights from San Francisco

The blogfriend, Charlize Patty, picked me up from SFO in her spunky Mini.  Our first stop of the weekend was Fish in Sausalito for lunch.  We had the most incredible fish tacos ever.  The mound of fresh, green, whole cilantro covering the tilapia was a delightful reminder of California cuisine.  Charlize Patty made a fabulous dinner from her Flat Belly Cookbook, which consisted of Vietnamese lettuce cups and spicy shrimp to start, followed by the most amazing Vietnamese short ribs, spuds and the veggies.  Way to make a visiting friend feel special!  After some shopping in Pacific Heights the next day, we stopped at LaMediterranee for lunch, and enjoyed the famous and fabulous middle-eastern cuisine.  The blogfriend Maggie, by way of a tangled-web, introduced Charlize Patty to Danny Pudi, aka Abed, on the NBC Community TV show series.  Her boys were very happy with his personal message and autograph!  The scene at Boulevard for dinner was jumping.  Our dinner was California fresh, creative and simply outstanding.  We decided to splurge on the splurge and ordered the most sophisticated donuts ever for dessert!  Having worked up an appetite during our spiritual hike near Lake Phoenix Sunday morning, we indulged at one of California's finest dining establishments:  IN-N-OUT Burger.  After a double-double and fries we hit the Mill Valley shops before stopping for dinner groceries at Woodlands Market.  I'm not sure if it was the slow-cooked, beer can preparation, or just the best air-dried chicken ever, as described by the vendor:   
Humanely Raised on Sustainable U.S. Farms
No Antibiotics or Added Hormones - Ever
Fed All Vegetarian Feeds

It was great to spend time with Patty and her family, meet a couple of her friends and mine, and enjoy a quick visit with the blogsisterinlaw, Peggy.  
I ♥ California, but the red-eye...not so much!


Fitness on the Road

Just outside of Patty's front door, on the northeastern slope of Mount Tamalpais, is a trail reserved for rugged recreational hiking.  After a leisurely and scenic morning coffee klatch on her deck, overlooking eastern Marin County and the bay, we communed with nature on a 90-minute hike down the canyon to Phoenix Lake.  Sally, the family's chocolate Lab, set an enthusiastic pace.  Despite my rigorous workouts over the past month, the return climb up, about 600 feet, seemed surprisingly strenuous.  The next day, Mike joined us on another hike, which we started at the trailhead off of Lagunitas Road in Ross.  We combined a few trails, with Hidden Meadows, being one of my favorites.  We all chatted, sometimes catching our breath among the redwoods, oaks and California bays, while maneuvering around tangles of tree roots, rocks and narrow paths with death-defying edges.  I'm asking Santa for hiking boots.  What an awesome workout!  Spectacular!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Airline Boarding Pass for Mobile Device

Ya gotta love technology!  Sitting in my pjs at the kitchen counter, I just checked in for tomorrow's flight to SFO and selected the mobile device option for delivery of my boarding pass.  No paper;  simply scan the iPhone at the security check and the gate.  Now, when will they put the driver's license on the PDA?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cher: Excuses Won't Lift Your Butt

Harlan Coben quoted Cher today at the PG Chambers School fund-raiser luncheon, Menu for the Minds. The guest speaker, and best-selling suspense author from NJ, was referring to the difficulties of writing when he said "there are no excuses for not writing,"  just before he quoted the great American philosopher, Cher.  I'm with Cher and Harlan:  there are no excuses for not exercising!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Herein Lies My Problem

And all I can say is, "Birds of a feather...."
Anyone serious about health, nutrition and weight loss should take a look at My Food Dairy. The website offers a free trial period, but the $9.00 a month is well worth the cost. It's a really time consuming approach, but research supports the benefits of keeping a food and exercise journal for increased weight loss success. Here's a snapshot of one of the many reports available to help with the constant battle of weight management.

Thinking of Maggie

And being TUBBY 24 hours a day?

Tuesday Weigh-In

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap
but by the seeds that you plant.
-Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sisterly Love: Sometimes Overrated

At a shower on Saturday, my table of eight women marveled at the close relationship between the bride and her sister. A lively debate ensued on the merits of sisterhood. All the women in the group had at least one sister, and others, like myself, had as many as three sisters. Arguably, sisters are often the most important relationship in a woman's life, outside of parent/child (hope the husbands aren't reading) but sentiments varied widely depending on if the woman had only one sister or more than one sister. Women with one sister seemed to be far more attached to the relationship than those with multiple sisters. Despite the closeness among sisters, it appears that vying for the mother's attention still plays a big role in adult sibling relationships. Curious, indeed.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thwarting Weight Gain

Thwarting weight gain. Thwarting weight gain. Therein lies the intent of mindful diet and exercise. Keep that mantra handy as you step on the scale. The pounds may not be falling off your body, but they are not piling on, either. Exercise is creating a toned physique for now, and future strength for old age. Do those squats and lunges now, or you'll have trouble getting off the toilet in the not-too-distant future.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

skinny chef

I'm not sure how I found this, but I've read her mini e-book and have to say her way is pretty close to the food diary way and thought you might enjoy it.

Secret to Losing Weight? Supportive Friends

Experts agree that one of the key ingredients to long-term weight loss is the buddy system. People who buddy-up during a diet and exercise program have greater success achieving their fitness goals over people who go it alone. Hello? Anyone out there?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A New Look

Body changes are starting to occur. Amazing how you can see the same people at the gym, week after week, and they always look the same. Not me. My body is starting to take on a toner look. The butt is getting a lift, midriff is getting flatter, upper-thighs narrower, upper arms getting definition, and the face looks healthier and slimmer. I started taking a multi-vitamin to help supplement my excellent, but sometimes, iron-deficient diet. I'm beginning to feel like my 'ol self again. The blog has a new look, too.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Fraction of a Pound

Fractions add up to pounds. Don't be discouraged by what's on the scale each day. As long as you're committed to thwarting weight gain, losses may be gradual, but they are, none the less, losses. Hang in there. Fractions are good for your goal.

Simple Secret of a Healthy Heart

GENTLE exercise can dramatically cut the danger of an early death from heart disease, according to new research. Read the whole article here.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Positive Thinking Brings Success

Sometimes, all it takes for continued motivation, and a little extra weight loss, is to just visualize yourself at your ideal weight. Do this throughout the day, especially before meals and voilá!