Saturday, May 30, 2020


Launch is an optimistic word. It is movement. Initiation. Upward and onward. Going places. It is May 30 and some historic launches are underway this week:

  • Many more local governments have launched a reopening campaign for Covid19 stricken areas to resume some sort of normalcy. 
  • Protesters have launched demonstrations, some violent and destructive, supporting the Black Lives Matter movement after the horrific murder of African-American George Floyd by white policemen in Minneapolis. 
  • President Trump has launched a series of controversial orders and plans concerning social media and our relationships with Hong Kong and the World Health Organization. 
  • Finally, Elon Musk, entrepreneur and CEO of SpaceX, together with NASA will make the second attempt this week to launch two astronauts into space today. The launch is the first in nine years for NASA and the first commercially built ship to carry humans.
It's been a dizzying news week, and not necessarily promoting optimism. We are in the throes of change and it may be threatening our comfort levels. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

What a Time to be Alive

Mother's Day Selfie
It's mid-May 2020 and feels like 2023. Haha. Most of the world is still in Covid -19 lockdown. President Trump is allowing US governors to use discretion for reopening states. Florida's Governor DeSantis is being hailed as a visionary and true leader. His ability to flatten the curve, preserve health and curtail deaths is exemplary, especially considering the vulnerable demographic of the state. Florida beaches, restaurants, stores, hair and nail salons are slowly opening under CDC guidelines for social distancing. Doctors can resume elective procedures. What a time to be alive!
Marco Resident's Beach reopened 4/30

We didn't have much in the way of April showers, but May flowers are just beautiful. There's nothing quite like the bright orange Poinciana trees in full bloom all around the island. We've been appreciating the Spring flora at the golf course and on the bikes because there's nothing else to do. Lol.

Zoom has become a regular source of joy in our lives now. Between calls with friends and family near and far, we are so grateful to be able to laugh and visit via the screens. Will came down for a Mother's Day brunch at ICC and a sleepover. We miss golfing with Will and can't wait until ICC opens up the tee sheets for immediate family again.

Poinciana in bloom at ICC
It is a difficult time for many people. Little frustrations become magnified in these deprived conditions. Small disappointments become big, infuriating setbacks. The Covid crisis is definitely not bringing people together. In fact, it is fueling suspicion, anxiety, separation and distance. The political divide is increasingly more pronounced as people look to the government for direction. By and large, people are reclusive, sad and mad.

It's not always easy but we must try to focus on the beauty of the moment.

Peaceful easy feeling at ICC