Thursday, July 23, 2020

Is It Over Yet?

Thursday Meditation on Procreate

I'm over it. I'm over covid, BLM, WFH, CHAZ, CHOP, social distancing, masks, maskholes, Trump, Biden, Fauci, Brix, CDC, WHO, defund the police and all the other drama consuming 2020. WTF!??!

Monday, July 13, 2020

The Beat Goes On

KF Rogers

I've been happily immersed in online education for the past couple of weeks. Procreate tutorials have been a perfect pastime as I recuperate from July 1st bladder surgery. I am so grateful to be feeling the benefits of both successful undertakings.

Summer is in full swing with Covid19 still dominating the country's narrative. It's been a confusing "pandemic" with medical expects floundering on many aspects and protocols of the virus. The political divide deepens, three months to the US general election, as the president wants to move the economy forward and get kids back to school and parents back to work. There's a rather large media push to hype the highly contagious nature of the disease, and seemingly inflated death counts so as to continue the economic and social shutdown indefinitely. For what? It's hard to understand what's motivating the divisive situation and contradicting information. Capitalists vs. Socialists? I don't know. Two camps are becoming more distinct: Pandemic vs. Scamdemic. 

Meanwhile, Bill risked his life and actually took a jet plane to Dallas. It was his first flight in months and he felt totally safe and protected onboard. The Airstream is back in Florida thanks to Bill's marathon drive. We will have to reevaluate storage options for the camper going forward, but for now...

Photo credit: @kellycreates