Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Trick to Weight Loss: Stay Away from White Foods

From Toothpix blog:

It may sound strange but it works. Don’t eat food that are white.

Sugar is a major trouble maker for dieters. Eating sugary foods causes the blood sugar to spike which signals the pancreas to make insulin on the double. The insulin gets the sugar out of the blood and into the organs or, more likely, into fat storage. Then the blood sugar drops which causes a craving for more sugary food. Sugar is hidden in processed foods and is used as a flavor enhancer. Brown sugar is simply white sugar with molasses added. Check the label on processed foods for sugar, sucrose, or corn syrup. You’ll be surprised to see where sugar is hiding.

Flour is just as bad as sugar, since it is easy for the stomach to quickly digest starch, turn it into glucose, a form of sugar and get it in the blood stream. Avoid white bread, cakes, doughnuts, and pastries. Whole grain bread is better for you, the whole grains means more fiber, which slows down digestion.

White rice has had the hull removed and most of the nutrients. It’s easily and quickly digested. Brown rice has much more fiber and consequently takes longer to digest so it’s okay in limited amounts.

Potatoes are primarily carbohydrates and, you guessed it, get turned into glucose fairly quickly. Sweet potatoes are a little better for you, even though they have a higher sugar content than white potatoes they contain more fiber.

Fat on beef and pork should be cut off before cooking, or only lean cuts should be consumed. And of course drain off any fat left in the pan before serving.

Mayonnaise has a high fat content since one of the primary ingredients is oil. Sour cream is a no, no as is whipped cream, and half and half.

An exception to the ‘no white foods’ rule would be low fat and nonfat milk. Calcium is important in any diet. Dieters who drink a glass of milk with every meal lose weight faster than those who don’t. Calcium blocks fat absorption. Unfortunately calcium derived from supplements doesn’t work the same way as calcium from diary products.

Stick with bright colors in your diet and you’ll lose weight faster.

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