Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Compartmentalize: An Easy Way to Deal With All that Stuff in Your Brain

After reading a post from a fellow blogger, friend and vineyard enthusiast, Joan, over at MV Obsession, I have become intrigued with the concept of compartmentalizing.  I remember someone once said that President Bill Clinton had a unique and skilled gift of being able to compartmentalize his life.  Joan wrote a post about an author she met on the street in NYC recently.  The book, to be released March 2nd is called, The Nine Rooms of Happiness: Loving Yourself, Finding Your Purpose, and Getting Over Life's Little Imperfections.  Since reading the little bit about the book on Joan's blog, I've created and labeled my own nine rooms, and have been sorting my thoughts accordingly.  It's a curious and effective exercise in letting stuff go!  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the mention :) I've been doing the same thing ...figuring out what room I'm in and if I truly want to be there or not...or if I'm just drawn to a certain room subconsciously.
    I'm looking forward to this book coming out... I think it's sometime in March. I'll keep you updated on it.


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