Friday, February 26, 2010

Lots of Snow

The snow is tapering off. Schools are closed for the second day.  The airport is closed. It's the last weekend in February!
 See more amazing pictures of snow here.


  1. your blog-son-in-law has been trying to coin a new phrase...


    he says he has a few people at work already repeating it. You may have heard it here first.

    and all this snow right after the warmest global January reading in history. Amazing - (te-he)

  2. That's a good one. And so is the more recent hit:
    snow + apocalypse = snowpocalypse

    When weathermen predict large amounts of snowfall in a short period of time.
    Clint: Dude, I heard on the weather channel you had a snowpocalypse last night in your area
    Paul: Naw, just a couple inches, the weather man is an idiot.


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