Thursday, September 24, 2009

May You Be Filled with Gratitude Today

Everyone gets into a funk now and then. Over the last couple of days, I found myself slipping into a state of negative thought exhaustion. I said a prayer in the morning asking for, what I refer to as a positive-energy-thought-reversal-pattern, and lo and behold, I ended up having the most amazing day. It wasn't until I was in bed last night, did I realize how fortunate I am to be surrounded by wise, caring and loving individuals who appreciate me and the goodwill I hold in my heart. A string of events during the day blessed me with the most uplifting conversations among friends, family and even a few strangers. While it's so easy to slip into a state of depression, it is just as easy to take all the goodness people have to offer and turn your mood around. May you be filled with gratitude for all things and people in your life today.


  1. Your post hit home for me. Your words arrived at the right time. Karma, serendipity, cosmic timing... whatever it is it's timely :)

  2. As usual, beautifully written and communicated....was it my voice on your message machine that helped? PC in CA


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