Thursday, February 26, 2009

Successful Weight Loss

Even blessed with a favorable metabolism, middle age will definitely slow it down. So, here's my take on the plain and simple fundamentals of weight loss. No fancy or fads diets necessary:
-reduce total calories consumed.
-count calories: burn more than eat more.
-plan healthy meals and snacks in advance.
-visualize your ideal weight, think thin thoughts not fat thoughts.
-track weekly progress and tweak routine regularly.

Everyday Wisdom

Doing what you love
is the cornerstone of having
abundance in your life.
-Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Off The Box

From Urban Dictionary:
the state of being removed from a position of prominence/importance due to a foolish mistake. Related to Michael Phelps being dropped by Kellogg after a picture of him with a bong was released

Fat Tuesday

Eat, drink and be merry, it's Fat Tuesday, or as they say in French, Marti Gras. In Polish communities, it's Paczki Day. It's the last day for sinners to sin. So use up that lard and sugar in the house and make some donuts. Tomorrow begins the fasting.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A New Dolan in the Neighborhood

There are plenty of Dolan's in my clan, but I'm not aware of any by the name of Timothy. The archdiocese of New York City welcomes Timothy M. Dolan, as the new Roman Catholic Archbishop. Dolan will succeed Cardinal Egan.

If You Must Complain, Complain Effectively

Effective complainers, like good negotiators, always know what they want to come away with. Complain only after you have decided what you want.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Healthy Breakfast Recipe

Steel cut oatmeal (must be steel cut variety)
frozen wild blueberries
slivered almonds

Prepare oatmeal as instructed on container. During the last few minutes of cooking, lightly toast slivered almonds in toaster oven or in a pan on the stove top. While the almonds are toasting, add frozen blueberries to the oatmeal, stir. Toss the toasted almonds and cinnamon into the oatmeal. Voilà! A healthy, delicious and filling way to start your day. Be good to your body today.

You can determine the quantities of the ingredients according to taste. I usually prepare a 1/4 cup oatmeal, 1/4 berries. 1/8 cup nuts and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Best of New York

Trying to do our part to stimulate the economy, the blogfriends and I spent a fabulous twenty-four hours in the Big Apple. We hit Bloomingdales, Barneys, Bendels and Bergdorfs to size up the latest fashion trends. We did some girlie-girl stuff, laughed our heads off with a few comedians at Gotham Comedy Club and took in the pub scene at P.J. Clark's. INY.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Facebook Dilemma

It's been fun goofing around on Facebook for the last month or so, but now, with recent developments in the organization making unfavorable news all week, I'm not so sure about the platform.
"Anything you upload to Facebook can be used by Facebook in any way they deem fit, forever, no matter what you do later."
What to do, what to do...

H/T Hillbuzz

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's a Cock-Eyed World

There's a lot going on right now. To some, the current state of the economy and the political climate can be very depressing, and to others, all these changes can be hopeful and uplifting. Whatever you feel about the current state of events, in and out of our country, each night before you go to bed complete the following statements:
"I am grateful for ..."
"Today I accomplished..."
This is a good distraction and an excellent habit, which focuses on positive thinking. Where there is gratitude, there is abundance. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Start Planning Good Behavior Now

It has been said that 21 (or is it 28?) days makes a habit. While not so religious these days, but indeed, spiritual, I still use Lent as a time to focus on self-improvement through sacrifice. In fact, over the years, I have had life changing success with diet, exercise and mental health during the forty-days and forty nights leading up to Easter Sunday. This is a reminder for all those who need a little bit of strength from a mighty big Helper, Ash Wednesday is in a week, so plan accordingly. I'm thinking candy or vodka. Humph.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Vineyard Blue Water Stains

What's a woman to do? For years, I've been challenged with Vineyard blue water spots on my white bathroom fixtures. Try as I may, nothing really gets them off except elbow grease. Today, I discovered Iron Out. It was left in my cabinet by the construction dudes. I gave it a whirl, and, whoo-hoo, it worked with just a simple swipe! Love products that work!

A Thought for President's Day

"No man will ever
bring out of the Presidency
the reputation which
carries him into it."
-Thoma Jefferson

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Espresso Love Scones for Joan

Always cautioning the teen blogson about the perils of the Internet, I have befriended a fellow blogger who shares a mutual love for Martha's Vineyard. Joan, at mvobsession is celebrating a birthday today. While we still have not met, I've come to enjoy our digital friendship. In preparation for our coffee klatch soon, Wild Willy and I wanted to buy Joan a Vineyard birthday gift: blueberry scones from Espresso Love in Edgartown. We love a mission, especially if it involves excellect food.

Friday, February 13, 2009

February on the Vineyard

"Where is everyone", we asked the lineman at MVY. "Hey, this is busy", he said as he drove us from our plane to our truck in the long term parking. It was one bumpy flight, and I'm happy to be alive.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Don't Try This At Home, Kids

Another short movie for your viewing pleasure.

New Arms Race in 2009

Trapped once again in my mental prison of negative thinking, it occurred to me today, when I read about North Korea stepping up missile test preparations, that the rogue country responsible for finally wiping out the U.S., will be celebrated and revered by the rest of the world.

Postage Stamp Rate Increase Again

© 2007 USPS. All Rights Reserved.
Unless you're on the Forever Stamp bandwagon, better start stocking up on two cent stamps. On May 11th, first class postage stamps will be $.44. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of the one ounce postage rate from year to year. That Forever Stamp is a good idea for that reason alone.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Moody Blues - Question

Donna did this amazing sculpture while in high school.

February Birthdays

Today is the anniversary of the blogsister's birth. If fate played out differently, Donna would have been 49 years old today. Donna, and her husband, Bob always celebrated their birthdays together. Bob's was yesterday! Here they are pictured at a cousin's 25th anniversary party in April, 1999.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Amazon Introduces Kindle 2

The next generation of this handy device will be available February 24th. It's has been a bloghusband favorite since it's debut in 2007.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Best Ranked Coffee

Eight O'Clock Coffee outranked top contenders Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, and Folger's in recent taste tests.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Life's Little Blessings

From Steph's email on Amelia
...She actually said " Ma ma" clear as day yesterday. It was amazing to say the least! She is starting to teeth which makes her mad at times but I think it is helping with her oral aversions. We are making progress in her mouth and they are hoping to start up oral feeds in the coming weeks. She is truly the happiest sweetest baby we have ever known and we are so very proud of her. We say it all the time but she continues to inspire us every day. It almost seems impossible when you think about all she has already overcome in her 5 months of life. We know she will continue to show the Dr.'s what she is capable of and leave them speechless. We have our worries and tears but we are truly blessed.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Poker Face, Poker Voice: God Love the Pilots

As many readers here know, the bloghusband is a private pilot. Wild Willy and I log more than a few hours of flight time every year in our 1977 single engine, six-place, Beechcraft Bonanza. Mostly, we fly to our home on Martha's Vineyard, but through the years, and before the birth of our son, we had many adventures into the wild blue yonder. No stranger to brushes with death while sitting in the right seat, I secretly try to determine if my pilot, in fact, is as freaked out as I am during some flights. Oddly, my pilot husband is the epitome of composure at all times, even during some of the more serious in-flight incidences, which are inevitable considering hours logged. I just had to chuckle in appreciation and understanding when I listened to the Flight 1549 audiotape, between the pilot and ATC, released today. Two guys, totally calm, trying to arrange a landing, which just so happened to be in the Hudson River.

Soon to be a Classic

From InstaPundit

A Word To Parents

Children learn from their own mistakes, not yours.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mad Men, Season Two

Yipee! Yahoo! The bloghusband downloaded Mad Men season two from iTunes. We've already watched the first two episodes.

One Chick on the Road

First outdoor run of the year.  Three miles of dodging black ice in 51 degree weather.  Lots of vitamin D, too.

Four Chicks in a Hot Tub

And by the way, Happy Groundhog Day!
Picture credit: from Neatorama