Great night, Great Fights, Great Cause.....Blood, Sweat, and Beers no tears...Thanks to La Boxing Hoboken for raising what is probably over 3K for Haiti.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Paul Epperlein, MC, Makes People Laugh Again for Haiti Fundraiser
Comedian Paul Epperlein hosted another fundraiser last night to benefit Haiti Red Cross relief efforts. Official reviews are not out yet, but Paul writes on facebook:
Formspring and A Prayer from the Living World
Doctor Zero at Hot Air blog wrote a passionate post in response to the news of Andrew Koenig's suicide. After reading his beautiful piece last night, I immediately wanted to share it with the teen blogson, but the whole suicide topic stifled my enthusiasm. Young Will enjoys a good, thought provoking article as much as I do, so I filed the post, entitled 'A prayer from the living world', for a future occasion. Little did I know that the occasion would present itself today. Will was telling me at dinner about a new application that's all the rage among his friends on facebook. The program is called formspring. It is easily accessible through a facebook account and allows users to contact friends anonymously and ask them random questions. The questions and answers are posted for all to see. The teen blogson was giving me some examples of how people become so bold when they are anonymous. He seemed concerned, and compelled to share some of the mean comments that had been written on the formspring page of one of his friends. The conversation naturally evolved into how hurtful teens can be to each other. Add the element of anonymity into the mix, and there can be real trouble and serious pain. We talked about coping mechanisms. I read Doctor Zero's beautiful piece to Will, and in usual form, I couldn't get through it without crying, which always adds an element of comic relief to our togetherness. The moral of the story: formspring offers a potentially fun, but dangerous social forum, which will challenge kids' ability to decipher reality. There is just so much out there to challenge kids' confidence, that communication is critical; even the God-awful discussion of suicide. Thanks Doctor Zero for the thoughtful assist.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Lots of Snow
The snow is tapering off. Schools are closed for the second day. The airport is closed. It's the last weekend in February!
See more amazing pictures of snow here.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tangerine Shoes
Love 'em or hate 'em? I can't tell yet, but love that I paid $39 at TJ Maxx for these little jelly numbers. They're well made comfort by Taryn Rose, an orthopedic doctor-turned-shoe designer, and retail on Zappos for $90. About five years ago, I paid a ton of money for a pair of her ballet slipper-type shoes, and never regretted it. Still wearing them, in fact. Be good to your feet.
Simple Pleasures: Homemade Tartar Sauce and Mexican Coca-Cola

c u p b o a r d). I found good use for the capers last night while making tartar sauce for Alaskan cod. Homemade tartar sauce is just one of those incomparable culinary sensations. It is unlike any store bought or restaurant quality condiment. It's really delicious, awakens fish with pizazz, and is simple to make. Pair a cod sandwich (on a soft toasted bun, lettuce, tomato) with Mexican pure cane sugar Coca-Cola, and you'll be thanking God you're alive!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Be Prepared
Sleepy Town had a complete blackout last night. At approximately 10p the entire neighborhood shut down. Eerie. Darkness. Everywhere. It was a painless wake-up call to get an emergency backpack together, and always keep my cell phone fully charged. I used to have an extensive survival "tub", which included Tamiflu, water, canned food, blankets, particulate respirators, flashlights, radio, batteries, matches, first aid kit, etc. At some point, the water jug leaked and everything within the tub got a little moldy. That was months ago. I now have another mission for the week. Perhaps preparation will relieve my recent sense of foreboding. Hate that feeling of impending doom!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Sweet E's Cupcakes, Vineyard Haven
Simply the best cupcakes in the world. They are back on Main Street, just across the street from our gym. Ruh roh.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Running West Chop
What's better than a four mile run, on a gorgeous, sunny, February day around West Chop? A few mile run on a gorgeous, sunny, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October or November day around West Chop. All kidding aside, today was one of my favorite runs of the year. Deep blue sky and water, no wind and in the low-to-mid forties. Now that I'm increasing my weekly mileage for Shamrock Shuffle training, the treadmill just gets too boring. Wild Willy ran four miles through the forest earlier in the day, and was just as pleased with the conditions. We had to take turns exercising today, as we were expecting an important call from Dr. Bob. The teen blogson has been so sick this entire winter break. We took him to the doctor today for a throat culture and blood work. It looks as if he has some sort of viral infection, perhaps the start of mono. He's had a lazy week, and good excuse to do nothing but be babied. I can't remember the last time he had a fever.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Compartmentalize: An Easy Way to Deal With All that Stuff in Your Brain
After reading a post from a fellow blogger, friend and vineyard enthusiast, Joan, over at MV Obsession, I have become intrigued with the concept of compartmentalizing. I remember someone once said that President Bill Clinton had a unique and skilled gift of being able to compartmentalize his life. Joan wrote a post about an author she met on the street in NYC recently. The book, to be released March 2nd is called, The Nine Rooms of Happiness: Loving Yourself, Finding Your Purpose, and Getting Over Life's Little Imperfections. Since reading the little bit about the book on Joan's blog, I've created and labeled my own nine rooms, and have been sorting my thoughts accordingly. It's a curious and effective exercise in letting stuff go!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
MV20 Miler Race Course
The Vineyard's annual 20 miler race will be starting at 11am today. It's 26℉ and sunny, going up to 33℉. Every year, 500 crazy enthusiasts run this chilly, but flat course on Martha's Vineyard.
Friday, February 12, 2010
The First Sport I Was Ever Good At
Photo by MelvinSchlubman.
Fred Morrison, the inventor of the Frisbee died at the age of 90. Throwing and catching that plastic little disk was one of the first things that I was really good at as a teenager. A real self-esteem booster. People used to say, "she's really good, for a girl." Playing Frisbee provided endless hours, during nice weather, bonding with friends and family. In the winter months, I became proficient at playing pool. People used to say, "she's really good, for a girl." I know, I know. A wasted youth. Now, I run; and people say, "she's really good, for being so old." RIP Fred, you changed the world with a playful little toy!
Over Heard in the Gym This Morning
"I have no will power."
True that, eh? Especially in the snow, I say.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Snowfest in Sleepy Town
Snow Day!!! It wasn't a total play day for the teen blogson.
It sure is beautiful. The scene looks like it could be in Colorado rather than North Central New Jersey.
It sure is beautiful. The scene looks like it could be in Colorado rather than North Central New Jersey.
Once: A Hauntingly Beautiful Movie
We started our snowfest last night by watching the movie Once. I was amazed I could get Wild Willy and the teen blogson to watch something other than a shoot'em up. We all throughly enjoyed the movie, which was recommended for months by the blogsister, Nancy. The song, Falling Slowing, won an Academy Award. It's a beautiful film with beautiful music. Happy Birthday, Donna!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Donna and Bob Figora
The blogsister, Donna, and her husband Bob, had lots in common, including February birthdays. While Bob celebrates today, we should be celebrating Donna's big 50th tomorrow. Bob and I spoke today, and we can't believe that it has been almost nine years since Donna's death. We both still miss her terribly. Let's hope Donna is having a big bash in the wild, blue yonder.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Social Media is Your Friend, Use it Wisely
If you're on the fence about Twitter, here's an article that may provide some insight for your decision to take the plunge and start tweeting. Before you establish a twitter account, read this article on managing your on-line reputation. Good stuff.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Claire Kathryn is Born Today in Chicago
My dear childhood friend, Maggie, is a third-time grandma today. Her oldest daughter, Shannon, and Joe, delivered a sweet baby girl by C-section this morning. I particularly love her name:)
Shannon, grandpa Kevin, sister Kaylie, brother Jack, dad Joe, grandma Maggie greet new baby Claire
A Telling Blow from Iran, Killer Sharks and Paralyzing Snow
Anyone else feel a sense of foreboding in the air?
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