Young Amelia takes a few steps forward each day. After the setback with the GI tube and the Nissen disruption, health concerns have somewhat stabilized. The VSD (hole in heart) is shrinking as anticipated, so Amelia can eliminate the need for continuing those meds. There are some concerns with Amelia's kidney performance. Doctors are now testing and keeping a close watch on her kidney function. Amelia is now in her final weekly recast phase to correct her feet. Next, doctors need to cut her Achilles tendon in order to gain the 90 degree rotation. Then Amelia will enter into a fairly long phase of physical therapy, which will include a type of brace to wear at night. Amelia is gaining weight again and is tipping the scale at 10 3/4 pounds. She is going to start working with the speech pathologist for oral feedings again soon. God bless this little angel.
What a little sweetie. God bless her indeed.