The picture in the upper right corner of this blog is a tribute to '60s illustrator Alan Aldridge: 'All you need is Love, was part of The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics' project, designed in 1969. Way back when, I was fascinated with the Beatles and the two volumes of Aldridge's intrepretation of their lyrics. The original books are treasured in my attic, along with those old newspaper headlines. Alan Aldridge has a new book: 'The Man with Kaleidoscope Eyes' published by Thames & Hudson.
From The FirstPostAldridge’s acid trip
Alan Aldridge is a brilliant artist-illustrator and it should not be necessary to work hard to prove it (as this show does by repeatedly advising us how fabulously groovy his clients were - The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and others from the 1960s and 70s). At its best, Aldridge's work stands alone through his creation of obsessive imaginary worlds, as complete as those of Rex Whistler, MC Escher, Walt Disney and Aubrey Beardsley. Throw a few tabs of acid tied to a hand grenade in among that lot, and you've got Aldridge. He's fantastic, as this work and his excellent new book prove.