Friday, October 31, 2008

Second Trick or Treaters

The camera wasn't ready for the first, so here's Eric and Mark, our new neighbors.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Quiet Before the Storm

The aroma of Sunday dinner fills the house, Giants and Steelers on TV, and everyone is just chillin' before what will undoubtedly be an epic week.  The global financial markets are fragile and volatile, as is the presidential campaign.  Anything can happen this week.  Perhaps the CIA will even find Osama Bin Laden.  Wouldn't that turn the political climate around!?  Well, always searching for a good menu, I'm going to start making a point of keeping track of some of my favorites.  Here's tonight's:
-sliced honey crisp apples with cinnamon sugar
-roast loin of pork marinated in bourbon, apricot jam and fresh herbs
-butternut squash and caramelized onions with sage, Parmesan and balsamic reduction
-Joe's Stone Crab hash brown potatoes
-Neiman Marcus's $250 chocolate chip cookies
Happy Nesting!

Epic fail on the meat and squash.  I can toss those recipes.  

Great iPhone Shopping List Application

This is such a fun and useful application for the iPhone.  What I like best about this little program is the ability to rearrange the store's aisles to match your own grocery store.  So each time you add to your shopping list, the items are in exact order of the store's layout;  making it a cinch to breeze in and out.  Love that!  It's only $1.99, too.

Signs Enroute

Saturday, October 25, 2008

mosquito ringtone

1.  (also known as teen buzz) is a popular ringtone that can only be heard by young people. It consists of a high frequency sound that generally can't be heard by those over 23.
-Urban Dictionary
Love those family dinner conversations.

Coming Home!

From Steph
After the longest 2 months of our lives, we finally have a discharge date. Of course, it is contingent on everything staying its very good course but it is Wednesday October 29th! Jeff and I have to stay at the hospital Tuesday night to learn all about the equipment and prove that we are capable of taking care of her on our own (something we all take for granted as a given but after being at the NICU every day for 2 months I have a new profound appreciation for "life as we know it"). Our little angel has a tough road ahead of her but she has already proved how strong she is and that she up to all her challenges. What she doesn't know yet is that all of you played a role in getting her and us to this time and how very special you are all. We are anxious to share this with her and watch her grow into the wonderful little girl we all know she will be. I love you all.. thank you!

Friday, October 24, 2008


After chocolate, licorice is my favorite sweet.  Black is good, but only in the form of Good and Plenty.  Red is the best.  But not just any red.  It has to be Australian.  Sambuca, licorice flavored liqueur, is great for a night cap and helps with digestion.  Further, licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a flavorful herb that has been used in food and medicinal remedies for thousands of years. Also known as "sweet root," licorice root contains a compound that is roughly 50 times sweeter than sugar. Licorice root has been used in both Eastern and Western medicine to treat a variety of illnesses ranging from the common cold to liver disease. This herb has long been valued as a demulcent (soothing, coating agent) and expectorant (rids phlegm and mucous from the respiratory tract) and continues to be used by health care professionals today to relieve respiratory ailments (such as allergies, bronchitis, colds, sore throats, and tuberculosis), stomach problems (including heartburn from reflux), inflammatory disorders, skin diseases, stress relief, and liver problems.

New York Penicillin

It's that time of the year again.  Here's my recipe for chicken noodle soup.  

Life with a Teen

Odd.  Sleeping.  Patterns.  I'm either dragging him out of bed each morning or he's in the shower at 4:30 am.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The One Eye Dilemma

The 93-year-old-Blogmother-in-law has a macular hole in the right eye. She is currently legally blind in the eye, but sight can be restored with surgery. What to do, what to do?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

That Pesky Feeling

The antenna is picking up some bad vibrations, and I'm sensing impending doom.  Hate that.

Halloween Crackers

While waiting for the Blogson in the orthodontist's office yesterday, I came across these very cute and easy party favors in the October issue of Martha Stewart magazine. I'm thinking Thanksgiving. 
Here's how to make them:
1. Cut an 11-inch square of crepe paper and a 4-by-7-inch piece of paper in another color; decorate with stickers or stamps.

2. Roll crepe paper around a candy-filled toilet-paper roll; glue seams closed. Wrap paper rectangle around center; glue.

3. Tie ends with twine; snip for fringe. Slip rings over twine. Pull ends to break open.

For Those of Us Blessed with Skinny Legs

Vince double knit leggings. Form fitting leggings with zipper detail on the bottom of each hem. Invisible side zipper. Leggings are a must to longer sweaters and tunics.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Way to Go Jack!

Congratulations to the CHS Marching Band as they remain undefeated this season. The band took 1st place Saturday night at the Mount Olive HS Competition with a score of 87.35 and swept the specialty awards for Best Music, Best Marching, Best Overall Effect, Best Guard and Best Percussion. This is the 3rd consecutive competition that the marching band finished in 1st place and has swept all the specialty awards. The band will enter their final competition of the season at Giants Stadium for the USSBA Group 2 Open Championships this Saturday, October 25th. Performance time is 5:19pm. Tickets may be purchased at the stadium. Good luck to all the members!

School Violence Awareness and Prevention Week

This is School Violence Awareness and Prevention Week. In one national study, 80% of students in grades 8 through 12 reported that they had been bullied.

Kate Has Surfaced

Riddled with bug bites and a hankering for alpaca and corn ice cream, Kate is alive and well and loving her adventure in South America.  One of many highlights in her email last night:  Iguazú Falls in Argentina.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Prayers For Amelia Please

From Steph:  Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 8 am. Please keep our little cutie in your prayers tomorrow. We will get an update out as soon as we know something.

Kate is So Grounded!

We have a nephew roaming the American west.  Please pray for his safety.  God only knows where exactly he is and what the hell he's doing.  Then, we have a niece roaming around Brazil.  Last we heard she was heading to a town called Puerto Iguazu to see the Iguazu falls and get Brazilian visas.  At least she's with her friend, Steve.  Her mom is worried sick and has put out an all points email bulletin to friends.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


What a cool name for the Russian global navigation satellite system. The U.S. system, the only fully operational GPS in the world, actually has a cool name, too. It's just that no one knows what it is: NAVSTAR.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It Doesn't Get More Exciting Than This

My first four items listed for sale on eBay expire today.  Hopefully, all of my garden flags will be auctioned this afternoon.  Stay tuned...

Sorry, your items did not sell. But you can try again.  
Bummer, I say.  Flags must be totally passé.  

Monday, October 13, 2008

National Earth Science Week

Just in case you were not aware, this year's theme is "no child left inside."  Get out and explore your world this week and give thanks to Mr. Columbus today!

Maps and Diagrams vs. Men and Woman

We all know that women just don't have the wiring to read road maps.  Do diagrams fall into that category, too?  I assembled a TV table over the weekend, and had difficulty understanding the drawings.     

Finding the Right Do

In the pursuit of finding the perfect hairdo...changes are always good!  Love Kristy's new bangs!

A Kid in a Candy Store

After the zoo, we walked to the east side and had some fun at the largest candy store in the world.  Dylan's Candy Bar.  Everyone is a kid at Dylan's. By the way, the head of the statue is made of jelly beans.

Zoo Boys

It was a beautiful weekend in October.  We met the family at Central Park Zoo on Sunday.  

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Beautiful Blue

The Bloghusband caught a couple of bluefish off the coast of Martha's Vineyard today. Always a thrill, especially near the end of the season!

A Meaningful Life Experience

An anthropology teacher from the University of Arizona in Tucson, Tara Deubel, entertained our luncheon table at the Culinary Institute yesterday.   Tara spent two years with the Peace Corps in West Africa.  She taught English to middle school-age children in a small village of Burkina Faso.  There were approximately eighty children in her class, each of whom believed that being a student was a privilege.   They were always well behaved and respectful.  In fact, as a teacher, Tara was revered in the community.  She relished the simplicity of life in this community.  Tara's perceived hardships were hers alone.  This community had no knowledge of, or comparison to a different lifestyle.  Tara presented a riveting illustration of life in West Africa, which left me with many comic and heartwarming visuals.  The children's fascination with an empty raisin box, retrieved from Tara's garbage, or the gratitude and intrigue from a simple pen, has me yearning to learn more and behold a meaningful adventure in goodwill.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Culinary Institute of America

Transformed into a different place and time, student chefs were focused on their lessons, and probably had no idea the stock market was down 900 some points during the day.  It was a fabulous afternoon in Hyde Park, NY.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

10, 9, 8, Go!

It's that time of year again.  Time to get serious with diet, exercise and healthier patterns in anticipation of the season of indulgence, which is right around the corner.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A New Friend in the Hood

Jeffrie and I welcomed Tara, a beautiful labradoodle, and newest addition to Anne's family. The new mom hosted a lovely luncheon.  It started with a glass of Chimay, followed by her awesome butternut squash soup.  I brought my flavorful curried chicken salad with pita bread and Jeff delighted us with a South African liquor, Amarula, over coffee ice cubes (love that idea!) for dessert.  Simple, delicious, lots of fun, and what a sweet little pooch!

Men's Cross Country - Coach Barry

The Men's Cross Country team finished out the duel meet portion of their schedule in style yesterday at Freedom Park in Randolph. The Harriers defeated Parsippany, 15-50 and Hanover Park, 20-42. Steve Leonard led the team with a 3rd place overall and a personal record time. Other top five fineshers for the Cougars were Chris Myers, Charlie Baker, Andrew Coppola and Kyle Nealis. Billy Rogers led the frosh. The duel meet record for the boys team stands at 6-3.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Quote of the Day

Hat tip:  Irene

"When you think a new thought, entertain a new dream, or mentally choose a new goal, your thoughts "leave" you and go out - in every direction, to the farthest corners of the planet. They carry a life force all their own, like ripples created when a pebble is tossed into a pond. You can't change this, but you can use it."
Abraham-Hicks Publication

Monday, October 6, 2008

Market Watch: Don't Panic

Mob behavior can be quite intimidating.  While I'm no financial expect, I did spend seventeen years in the financial service industry, once upon a time.  One of the most compelling reasons for investing in American companies is the proliferation of aging baby-boomers.  This segment of the population, collectively, has amassed huge savings in anticipation of retirement.  Where are they going to safeguard their money?  Under the mattress?  CDs?  Bank savings accounts?  Gold at this level?  No.  They are going to be very selective in investing in good, solid growth American companies.  This is a good time for bargain hunters.  

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Introducing Wild Willy, Financier Extraordinaire

The Bloghusband, a.k.a. Wild Willy, has been ask to guest blog here about the financial issues concerning this country.  Below you may read his first two posts. 

Alan Greenspan's View

At a recent Deloitte conference Alan Greenspan shared his view of the causes of the current economic situation:
1. not his fault
2. this is a "100 year event"
3. solvency problem, not an economic problem for the country
4. further regulation not required, as the system works 99% of the time
5. this is all caused by human nature (greed by everyone, not just Wall Street)
6. the liquidity problem will all be over when home prices recover - mid 2009

Somehow this did not all hang together for me.  What do you think?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Congratulations! The Item is Yours

The start of something big!!!  I won my first bid of $1.99.  The storage bin will be cleaned out in no time;-) 

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Cool Website for Shoppers

Here is a free service website whereby one can pick favorite name brands, designers, specific items and stores.  Shoppers will be notified by email when their preferences come on sale.  Looks dangerously simple and convenient!
-Hat tip:  Renée