Peg reserved the private dining room at the Oaks. We brought an assortment of hors d'oeuvres, wine and champaign, and chef Joe did his thing. Wild Willy gave a beautiful toast to his mom and Earl delivered a heartfelt pre-dinner prayer. Ginny brought flowers and candles, Josie brought cupcakes and everyone had a great time. On Saturday, her actual birthday, Peg's grandson, Chris, and Kristy, Alexis and Devin, made the day extra special.
Will and Callie joined in on the festivities, too.
The great-grandchildren made and hung a poster at the front door announcing the day. We had champaign and Pom punch, a full-blown Thanksgiving meal with turducken, two stuffings, and all the other fixins'. A feast!
Alexis and Devin performed a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday on the piano before presenting the special cake, they made from scratch, including the cinnamon ice cream frosting and cut-out fondants on top.
Kristy, channeling her inner creativity, made a delightful floral arrangement and keepsake for mom.
We're already talking about the celebration we're going to have next year, but the 100th is going to be very special. Have a great year, Mom!
WoW! I hope I look that radiant at 95:-)